Friday 29 November 2013

Original copy of double page spread article

Title of article: A-Jones: A legend lies, but for how much longer?

The big quote in the middle of the page: “I've been living a lie, and I don't want to anymore!"

A-Jones has revealed yesterday that she has never liked performing as a musician. Even though many are in shock, many are just disappointed, and have posted on Twitter that “It’s like there are no real celebrities anymore” However; the main question everyone is asking is how much of it was A-Jones making up? Rock Gods is going to find out…

A-Jones, only 30 years old, has lived a life that many would have called a dream. From winning many Grammy awards to Oscars, she has created a legacy for herself that will be remembered for decades by all, especially some of her greatest moments with his friends including some of the biggest names in history, such as The Streetz, Axwell, and many more!

A-Jones had lived a very trouble childhood, living on the streets as a thief to get by, until she was finally taken in by an orphanage. Jones had said she always had a passion for Rock music however, and she was very keen to get her voice heard, to at least know if she could make it; she said “If I didn’t try back then, I would never have been who I am today, and it is always better to try, then to not, and wonder the rest of your life if you could have made it.”

Jones’ biggest success was in 2000, where she successfully created her own charity to get kids – like she was – off the streets and into foster homes or orphanages. A few years later, she did a concert for his foundation, in which he raised over £3 million! She received an award from the Queen for being such an inspirational character, and was also invited by the Queen to perform at the Royal Command Performance; which is today known as the Royal Variety Show. Things were finally starting to work out for A-Jones.

A-Jones was living the perfect life, then, things slightly changed. While away doing another benefit for a different charity, she finally realised that she just had to tell the truth, and while on stage, she released the news. She finished the concert early, and flew straight to her house in Birmingham to hide away from the storm of media she was about to receive.

While in hiding in her £4 million house, A-Jones experienced a vicious attack by the media, especially by her fans. Many even contemplated on Twitter whether they were even going to go to her house to protest outside her house, however, others said that 'A woman did what she had to do'.

It was only after her release of her most recent album ‘A Place in My Heart’ when Jones realised that she did not have a passion for rock music. She stated that “Mike (her husband) would not have wanted me to continue this lie. He was the only person that knew about it, and he persistently tried to persuade me to just admit the truth. I think it’s finally that time.”

Recently, A-Jones has released that she has been going to various different clubs that she has loved her whole life, such as cricket. She has also funded many charities that help widows and widowers with their life. Jones stated that “I don’t want people to feel how I did… it is the most unpleasant feeling someone can get; doing something that you do not enjoy, the truth is better coming out."

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