Friday 15 November 2013

Analysing Music Magazine Title Blocks

The title of this magazine is slightly different to a normal magazine; it is a single letter. It is a white colour, in a bold font, with a red background. It is a very dull title block as it does not give anything away about what the magazine could be about. However, as it is a single letter as the title block, it makes you begin to wonder what it could be about as it is the only image on the magazine. I think that due to the font of the letter, the audience of this magazine may be aimed at the older generation as it looks quite fancy, especially with the flick on the line that has gone through the Q.

The genre of ‘NME’ is rock, and the font size of the acronym is very big, which makes it stand out to other magazines. From looking at the actual name of the magazine – New Musical Express – I can tell that the magazine is going to be about new music that is out at the current time. The acronym itself is very eye catchy as it uses bright colours on the inside (red and white), and then it outlines it with black to make it stand out even more. The use of bright and eye catching colours could connote to me that the audience the magazine is trying to attract may be a younger audience.

This title block is written in all black, with a few streaks of red in it. It has a line at the top and bottom of it, which distinguishes it from other magazines, giving it an edge to stand out. Also, as it has an exclamation mark at the end of it, it makes the magazine seem important, and as almost if it is shouting the name of the magazine to you. However, the title block itself does not give anything away about what the magazine might be about, and so is hard to interpret. Although, you can see by the font of the title block that the target audience for this magazine might be teenagers as it is slightly harder to read, and so it is less likely that they would aim this magazine towards an older generation.

This is an example that I made for my website to use as my Title Block. I made it by going on to and finding a font that I liked, and then by typing in the name of my magazine in which it then made this example for me.

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