Friday 15 November 2013

Reader Profile - Main Task

Reader Profile – Main Task

Reader Profile 1

Ben, aged 19, comes from York. Rock music is his oxygen; he can’t live without it, without the thrill. Rock music makes his bones connect, as well as being the heart of his head. His engagement with music is what makes him who he is; it makes all his choices about life. Ben loves Rock music so much that he is debating on making a pledge to attend every single concert of his favourite artists, and is currently attempting to encourage all of his friends to enjoy the same music. To him, Rock music isn’t just regular music, it’s a part of his life, and always will be the main factor that has shaped him into the special individual he is today. Ben is also very loyal to the bands he listens to; he even has specialised clothes with their logos on them to show off his passion for them.

Reader Profile 2

Nigel, 67, is a passionate and loyal music-lover, who has collected all of his favourite records and songs over the last 50 years of his life. With his recent retirement, he now has a lot of free time to pop off to the local record store to see if there is any new Rock music. This has been his daily routine his whole life and he plans to continue this until he is unable to. A heavy ‘gig goer’, Nigel has spent a lot of his life dedicating his love and heart and soul into Rock music, which has allowed him to be who he is. Nigel often invests in organising a reunion of his friends from school that also listened and loved the same music as him. When you are as committed as Nigel to do all of these things, you truly are a dedicated fan, and that we acknowledge at Rock Gods.

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