Friday 29 November 2013

Main Task - Production Schedule

Production Schedule

This is my production schedule. It shows all of the deadlines that I need to complete, along with a date, and a short description of what I need to do to complete the task. I have given myself a guide of 4 hours of my lesson time a week - 2 lessons on Tuesday's, and 2 of Wednesday - along with plenty of time outside of lessons to complete my front cover, contents page, and double page spread. After I have created all of my pages - which I have estimated will take around 1 week per page - I am going to go over my pages, and show my teacher so I can get feedback on them.


3rd December 2013 - In today's lessons, I am going to create the shot plans of each my magazine photos.
4th December 2013 - In today's lessons, I am going to go to the Performing Arts Building and start taking my photos.
10th - 18th December 2013 - During this time period, I am going to take photos for my magazine pages outside of school as well, to ensure that I have enough pictures.
6th-13th January 2014 - This time period is my Year 12 mock exams, which includes Media Studies.
21st-22nd January 2014 - In these lesson's, I am going to finalise my photos I have taken, and show them to my teacher, who will anaylse them, and give me feedback on them.
28th-4th February 2014 - During this week, I am going to work on my front cover page, and hopefully complete it.
5th-12th February 2014 - During this week, I am going to work on my contents page, and hopefully complete it.
18th-25th February 2014 - During this week, I am going to work on my double page spread, and hopefully complete it.

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