Wednesday 26 March 2014

Media Evaluation - Question 7

Question 7 - Looking back at the preliminary task what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to a full product?

Looking back at the preliminary task, I feel I have learnt many skills in the progression from it to a full product. Before this course, I did not know how to use Photoshop at all, literally. Now, I feel that I can produce a good piece of work using many features and skills on Photoshop, such as the 'Paint Bucket' tool. I used this many times within my pages to colour either an object, or the background of the page. As well as this, I also used the 'Crop' tool while creating my magazine pages. This was to cut out a certain part of an image that I had wanted to remove.

As you can see above, there is a clear difference between my preliminary task home page, and my main task front cover. In my main task front cover, the masthead looks a lot more professional than the masthead in my preliminary task front cover. This is due to many things. First off, the font of the title on the page to the right is very basic, and does not have any nice features to it. Whereas the masthead of the left page has added effects to it, such as a drop shadow, an outer glow, etc.

Another way in which my main task front cover differs highly from my preliminary task is the images. I put a lot more thought into the image of my main task front cover, and a lot less before into my preliminary task front page. The artist on the page to the right does not have any props or anything to back up the image on the magazine to make it look better, whereas the artist on the left front cover is wearing many things that enhances the fact that it is a rock magazine. The black hat, along with the guitar entices those who enjoy rock music to buy the magazine, as it fits their lifestyle standards.

Finally, one other major difference between the two pages is the level of detail and information on the cover itself. On the front page to the left, there is a lot more writing and information about the magazine, and what is in the magazine. However, the cover to the right has very minimal detail and information on it, thus making it an ineffective magazine page. As well as this, the information on my preliminary task front cover just looks as if it was thrown onto the page blindly, whereas the information included on my main task front cover seems as if it was written with some structure, making it look like a professional magazine.

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