Monday 24 March 2014

Media Evaluation - Question 5

Media Evaluation - Question 5: How did you attract/address your audience?

One way how I tried to attract/address my audience was with my costumes of my artists. For the artist on my front cover, I chose for them to wear a black hat, along with a black t-shirt. This was because my target audience is stereotypically represented wearing black clothing. Also, I made the artist on the front cover hold a guitar. This was again to entice my target audience to buy my magazine and to read on. This is due to my target audience very much loving rock music, in which guitars are used a lot by most artists/bands.

Another thing that I did to attract my target audience was with the masthead. As you can see to the right of my main task front cover, my masthead of 'Rock Gods' is very big at the top of the page. This is to get the attention of my target audience so that they know the magazine is about their favourite genre of music, and to draw them in to buy the magazine.

Another thing that I did was make the double page spread article very interesting and relatable to my target audience. As it is about a famous artist, especially being the artist of my front cover, this would engage a lot to my audience. As well as this, the colours used throughout my pages are not the same, and are not too dull to look at. This too I hope would draw my target audience in to read my magazine, and to see what the double page spread article is about.

Finally, one other thing that I did to address my target audience was use professional looking pictures. On all of my pages, the images that I have used look professional, and make my magazine look very effective. This too I hope would entice my target audience in to buy my magazine, and to test it out to see if it fits their standards of a good magazine.

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