Friday 11 October 2013

Preliminary Task - Evaluation

Preliminary Task - Evaluation

Question 1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge conventions of real media products?

My media product uses conventions of real media products as I have put the masthead at the top of both my home and contents page. Also, I have included images/pictures on both my home and contents page, which is another convention that real media products use. Also, another convection that I have included on my media product that has also been used on real media products is real life photos. I have not just gotten pictures of items that are related to my magazine, but I have taken real life photos with a camera of people posing for pictures to make my magazine look more friendly and safe.

Question 2. How did you attract/address your audience?

I attracted/addressed my audience by having a friendly colour scheme; I only used bright colours so that it would draw in customers, as they would look at bright colours and think it is a nice, friendly magazine. Also, another way that I have attracted/address my audience is with my photos. I told the 'posers' in each of my photos to have a friendly face on, e.g. a big smile, so that my audience would not be put off, and they would feel more safe reading my magazine.

Question 3. What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

I have learnt about many technologies from the process of constructing this product, one of them being how to use Photoshop. I did not know how to use Photoshop before I started this project, and now with the help of my teacher and peers, I now know the basics to get around using Photoshop. Another technology I have learn about is Prezi. Again I did not know what Prezi was, or how to use it before this project, but now I know exactly how to use it!

Question 4. What are the strengths and weaknesses of your final product?

The strengths of my final product are that use of text/images are used effectively. I have tried to used these two things together to try and portray my website, and to try and make it look attractive and friendly to my audience. Another strength is that my colour scheme is very friendly, therefore again attracting my audience to my magazine, to think of it as a nice, friendly magazine. Finally, another strength of my final product is that I think I have used the photos I have taken effectively to be used to their full potential. However, my final product also has many weaknesses. I have not used up all of the space as effective as I could on my final product, and so there are some blank spaces. Also, the layout of my final product could have been done better by me, and so it doesn't look the best it could be.

Preliminary Task - Home and Contents Page

Friday 4 October 2013

Textual Analysis - Prezi

Photos - Analysed

 This photo I will use as the main image on my front page. The reason I have chosen this to be the main image is because it portrays the school in a good light, showing the school's main building in the background. In front of the building is a Sixth Form student with his hands in his pockets and smiling towards us (he knows a camera shot is being taken of him), which could also connote that he is happy at his school, and enjoys his time there.
 This photo I will use on the contents page. It shows again a Sixth Form student holding a school text book on a plane of grass. I am going to use this photo in a section that talks about studying for school; 'Studying is worth it!'. This photo will be effective as it shows  that the school provides extra learning supplies for it's students - in this case text books.
This photo I will use on the home page. It shows a Sixth Form student alongside a lower year student. I am going to use this photo to talk about the new 'Buddy System' within the school. This photo is effective as it shows how much each student in the school cares for one another, e.g. a Sixth Form Student that cares and helps a lower year student.

I will use this photo on my contents page. This photo shows a Sixth Form Student with their folder out, studying. I will use this photo to show that if you do study your hardest, then you will be rewarded with good rewards in your exams. This is an effective photo as it shows how studious the school wants and encourages its students to be, and that is exactly what is being shown in this photo; a studious student who cares about school.

This photo will be used too in my contents page. It shows three good friends alongside each other, and I will use it to talk about the good relationships in Finchley Catholic High School. It is an effective photo as it shows that mutual friendship can still exist, and that friends need to stick together in school to what each other's back, and this photo too shows how friends need to care for each other. It also shows that FCHS encourages friendships and teaches that you must care for all of your peers.


Home page draft
Contents page draft